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Worries of Holy Prophet About His Ummahl...

Worries of Holy Prophet About His Ummahl His Last Words

Worries of Holy Prophet About His Ummahl His Last Words   …….Sudenly, there was a person, he said salaam ‘May I come in?’ he asked. But Fatima did not allow him enter the room. ‘I’m sorry, my fater is ill,’  said FAtima, turned her body back and closed the door. She went back to her […]


Dajjal According to the indications in the Hadiths and statements by Islamic scholars, the worst corruption caused by the Dajjal will be the spreading of atheism, leading to anarchy and conflict. The system of Dajjal will employ materialism and Darwinism to encourage people towards denial, irreligion and immorality. As noted in the hadiths, the materialist […]

The Queen

The Queen

One day a British man came to Sheikh and asked, “Why is not permissible in Islam for women to shake hands with a man?” The Sheikh said, “Can you shake hands with Queen Elizabeth?” British manr replied. “Of course not, there are only certain people who can shake hands with Queen Elizabeth”. Sheikh replied with a […]

Is he Muslim? No he is not.

Police Identify Suspect in Canada Bus Stabbing, Decapitation; Friends Identify Victim The news published by Fox News on Friday 1st August 2008, they write ” TORONTO  —  Police on Friday identified the man who witnesses say stabbed and beheaded a passenger aboard a Greyhound bus traveling across the Canadian Prairies. Sgt. Brian Edmonds said that 40-year-old […]

خودکش حملھ : Suicide Attacks

نقار خانے میں طوطے کی آواز یہ فقرہ کسی پر طنز نہیں ہے اور نا ہی کسی کی دل آزاری مقصود ہے۔ یہ وہ جملھ ہے جو کھ آج کل ہماری حکومت اور ہماری فوج دونوں پر فٹ بیٹھتا ہے۔ 44 معصوم جرگھ کے لوگوں کی موت ڈرون حملھ میں امریکیوں کے ہاتھوں وقوع پذیر […]

حجاب – پردہ : Hijab – The Cover

یہ ایک ایسا موضوع ہے جسے کافی لکھا اور اس پر بحث کی گئی ہے مگر اسے صحیح طریقے سے اجاگر نہیں کی گئی اسکی وجہ شائد ہم ہیپوکریپٹس ہیں یا پھر صرف تنقید براے تنقید پر ہی اکتفا کرتے ہیں – حجاب ایک ایسا عمل ہے جو کہ اسلام کی سب سے اولین فرائض […]