Watch all videos, what American’s Real Press media doing and exposing the facts of Bin Laden Deaths…. But our media running footage from propaganda presses and discussed every talk show and raises same points what propaganda press trying to do from the 9/11.

I must say every reporter when they join a press take an OTH to tell the truth and do some research before reporting, but very sad the thousands of reporters are now involve in propaganda war. But some people are know their responsibility they’ve hard work, research and than trying to focus on it and tells everyone. Here are the some videos taken from the YouTube.

Please, I regret to appeal our Pakistani press, do not promote or run the news with Exclusive and Breaking news which are taken from outside the Pakistan press. Now this is new world order, where they build a propaganda war for their own interest, not their own national interest. Try to build our National Spirit, try to build up a good relationship with Pakistan Army and Peoples of Pakistan to make this country better for living peacefully. Think thrice act wise, this is all our responsibility to do not published anything which will harm for Pakistan Interest.

May Allah bless us, and give us strength to stand up for this new world order, and protect the nation and national spirit of Pakistan. Ameen.

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