This quickfire technique will allow you to create your very own customised and personalised Web 2.0 style buttons, perfect for adding to a blog or website

This quickfire technique will allow you to create your very own customised and personalised Web 2.0 style buttons, perfect for adding to a blog or website.




Use the following technique to create customised web buttons. Experiment with shape, colours, effects and fonts to create bespoke buttons.


01. Start by selecting the Elliptic Shape tool, drawing out your circle.


02. Select Inner Shadow from the ‘Add a layer’ style options.


03. Set Blend mode to Multiply, 35% Opacity.


04. Set Distance and Choke at 0px and 0%, and Size at 10px.


05. Still in the Layer Style options choose Bevel and Emboss. Set Style to Emboss, Technique to Smooth, Depth at 100% and Direction to Up. Set Size at 40px, Soften at 14px.


06. Set Highlight Mode to Screen at a 75% Opacity. Set Shadow Mode to Overlay at the same percentage. Select Gradient Overlay, again in the Layer Style options.
Double-click the Gradient bar, accessing the Gradient Editor options. Select a Background to Foreground gradient, then change the colour scale using your shape colour, to a darker version of this tone. Do this by selecting individual Color Stops, using the Stops>Color option. Click OK once this is done.


07. Now set a Radial Style at a 90% Angle. Set Scale to 150%. Select the Ellipse shape tool and draw a

white oval shape, covering the top of your button. Ctrl+click your shape layer and select Rasterize.


08. With your white shape layer still active Ctrl/Apple+click your button layer thumbnail, press Ctrl/ Apple+Shft+I, and hit Ctrl/Apple+X. Ctrl/Apple+click the white shape layer, then choose Select>Modify>Feather, setting a




09. Finally, hit the backspace key once and lower Opacity to 30%. Now merge your shape layers only, and apply a Black to White Gradient, with an Overlay Blend Mode at 50% Opacity.



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