The Message for whole Nation.

Please try to understand our National Intrest, please do not spread negativity about Pakistan Army and agencies. Try to understand plans of our enemies, they want to decrease trust of nation on Army to make us a soft target, we don’t know what happened that night (Abbottabad) so please! please do not even think to label our Army incompetent, do not forget it was our Army who got Swat and S. Waziristan cleared, made them peaceful giving their lifes, support your Army today, they need it most.

This is now our responsibility to not to act or show that we are living in Pakistan without any security which is mainly plan of the west to make this country incertainity and get some fruit from it.

Our Army and ISI is capable to protect Pakistan, protecting and they already gave us the example of this after Indipendence of Pakistan. Love your country, love and faith your security agencies. Soon or later they will prove you, they are the best security forces of our country and they capable. Now you can see the releases videos and images and it’s truth.

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