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Things to Remember to make life easier

Things to Remember to make life easier   “Making million of friends is not an achievement. The achievement is, To make a friend who will stand with you when millions are against you” _________________________________________________________________________ “Never hate those people who are jealous with you but respect their jealousy. Because they are the ones who think that […]

About Us

About Us

ABOUT US: Nazariyah Pakistan – Everything you need to know and need to have to build up your character DOTCRUSH now is back with some new features, we are pioneer in wallpapers since 1997 now we’ve changed us over all work. Here you can find not only our custom-made design wallpapers also you’ll find most […]

SEO Help Search Engine Optimization Less...

search engine optmization

So! You and thousands of others like you want to SEO website. Hmmm Is there no magic potion or tricks to SEO? Basically, SEO is just math. If you know how Google does their math to rank websites, then what next? You’re on your way to the first search results of Google page and an […]