Shaken Grid is now smartphone optimized We’re happy to announce a bunch of new updates to the Shaken Grid theme. The biggest update is the brand new responsive design that displays beautifully on smartphones. In addition to being smartphone optimized, Shaken Grid 2.0 now comes with Google Web Font options and a fresh new look. […]
Top 10 Web apps we love — and why
Top 10 Web apps we love — and why A roundup of the top analytics, email campaign, Web optimization tools & more We often get asked, what apps does your team use? To answer the question, we decided to put together this blog post laying out the Top 10 Web Apps We Love. The SEOmoz […]
You can now post images and photos direc...
You can now post images and photos directly to Look what just popped up on my Twitter profile when I visited via the Web today — you can now share a photo directly through Twitter by uploading your photos to instead of through TwitPic, yfrog, Twitgoo or I wonder how this […]
Eid Greetings 2011
Hope Love & Laughter, warmth & wishes joy and a Bouquet of Eid Wishes, Especially for you!!! jublications become a past of your eid and your life….! EID MUBARAK
A Free Saif al-Islam Shatters the Sense ...
A Free Saif al-Islam Shatters the Sense that Rebels Are Close to Victory The shocking appearance of Saif al-Islam Gaddafi on Tripoli’s streets in the early hours of Tuesday morning shattered the sense that the rebels’ victory in Libya was in hand. Supposedly in rebel custody, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s son was instead seen talking […]
Karachi Breaking News
اہم اطلاع شہر کے مختلف جگہوں میں کچھ گاڑیاں گھوم رہی ہیں[ خاص طور پر یائی روف] ایڈریس معلوم کرنے کے بہانے سے لوگوں کو بلاکر اغوا کیا جا رہا ہے۔ برائے مہربانی محتاط رہیں اور اپنے دوست و احباب کوبھی اس سے آگاہ کریں ۔ یہ گھناونی حرکت دوبارہ شروع ہوئی ہے اور ہم بات […]
Does Google Need Twitter?
Does Google Need Twitter? Can Google get realtime search right without Tweets Google is talking about bringing back its Realtime Search feature. It’s been missing since last month because Google and Twitter couldn’t agree on terms to extend their partnership which gave Google access to the firehose – the source of all tweets in realtime […]
Google To Revive Realtime Search, Thanks...
Google To Revive Realtime Search, Thanks to Google+ Google Realtime Search is coming back soon, and it will include data from Google+ and other social sources. Realtime Search was, until last month, the search giant’s method of delivering relevant data from Twitter, Facebook and other social media services in real time. Whenever a […]
Happy Independence Day Pakistan
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Celebrities on Google Plus
Celebrities on Google Plus From Captain Kirk to Britney Spears As reported, Google is courting celebrities, trying to get them on Google+. CNN discussed some Google emails revealing such plan. Celebrities have been key in driving Twitter use by fans, and there’s no reason to think it can’t have a similar impact on Google+. The […]