Google Trends and Pakistan

This is one of those days; I remember the exact date; Wednesday, May 17th,2006 an article published by Daily Times Pakistan the reporter or article writer name Khalid Hasan he wrote

WASHINGTON: Google, the world’s most popular Internet search engine, has found in a survey that mostly Muslim states seek access to sex-related websites and Pakistan tops the list. Google found that of the top 10 countries – searching for sex-related sites – six were Muslim, with Pakistan on the top. The other Muslim countries are Egypt at number 2, Iran at 4, Morocco at 5, Saudi Arabia at 7 and Turkey at 8. Non-Muslim states are Vietnam at 3, India at 6, Philippines at 9 and Poland at 10.”

This Article can find at:\05\17\story_17-5-2006_pg1_4

Real faces of Pakistani so called true reporters or media group:

Now! Everyone will think why I’m trying to publishing this article today? It’s already published and everyone knows… First I need to tell you that everything goes wrong anywhere in the world, and pointing finger towards Pakistan, our media completely top of the list, not only in Pakistan, but they are trying to focusing to convey every person on the earth, see the title “Google Trends and Pakistan Another Propaganda War”

And also you can see in 2006, insult and fall from ethics came from USA, Washington and today is as well. But our media always focus, impose and spread those messages, information or news which will directly harmful for Pakistan and peoples of Pakistan, they doing without their own research before spreading any news, because they unable to research those things which are not in their knowledge, not even try to do, that’s why many of Pakistani believes that they are agents of Israelis, Indians or USA.

Now! In 2011, the Google Trends for Pakistan drastic change, but still our media falling sleep same as our defense forces. They will wake up if this news or breaking news published in US, UK or Indian media, then will speak or spread something because they are research less.

Want to know?

Yes! Everyone can find out above trends which were published in US after in Daily Times Pakistan. Here is the drastic change occur in Google Trends for Pakistan.

If you search in this link you can see the result of 26/06/2011 today’s date of publishing this article.

OK, if above screen shot of Google trends search page is accurate and true than how is it possible in 2004 Pakistan Internet users are 2.0 Million only (there is no Broadband features available only user on dial-up Internet) and in the same year 2004 India Internet users are 39 Million according to internet World Stats , the question is how is it possible that only 2 Million users of a country Pakistan at top in Google trends search terms “sex” but cities are Chennai, India? But language at top is Vietnamese….

In Pakistan 2004 according to PTA the mainly internet user are corporate sectors and small / medium business sectors the total 92.3% and just 7.7% of home / public users. This is the game of manipulation to downgrade Pakistan and Pakistani Characters over the internet. How is it possible that from 2.0Million only 7.7 % internet user capable to beat all the rest of the world to search porn sites…  You can view the entire sex-related words search on the Google Trends and its results…

If someone blame or say that is not right the Google trends results are more accuracy… Then how is it possible a country who has lowest internet rate 2.0Million but search trends country on top but it’s city not present in the any top ten list how intrusting…  Now you can calculate

India             Pakistan    = Indian

39 Million – 2.0Million = 37.00Million

If, 2.00Million people most searches “sex” on the net (only Google Search Engine) please see the following details….

Year                                       Regions                                            Cities                                                 Language

2004                                       Pakistan                                           Chennai, India                                Vietnamese

2005                                       Pakistan                                           Chennai, India                                Vietnamese

2006                                       Egypt                                                 Chennai, India                                 Arabic


2007                                       Pakistan                                           Delhi, India                                      Vietnamese 

2008                                       Viet Nam                                           Delhi, India                                      Vietnamese

2009                                       Viet Nam                                           Delhi, India                                      Vietnamese

2010                                       Viet Nam                                           Hanoi, Viet Nam                               Indonesian

2011                                       Viet Nam                                           Hanoi, Viet Nam                               Indonesian



2004, 2005, 2007 country Pakistan at the top of “sex” searches over the net and India number 2, but another turning point ok 2004 to 2005 Pakistan on top on sex searches, ok I agree, what about in 2006? I’ve started to write an article when its remind me the old news that Pakistan on top of the world searches sex on the net. If, Pakistan in 2006 on Top most sex searches on the net as per Google Trends reports published by Fox News re-published by Daily Times Pakistan on 17, May 2006 but when I search terms using “sex” in 2006 there is no Pakistan on top not only on top also not even on top 10 list.

That’s rights.

The question is when searc sex in Google trends, it shows Pakistan on top in regions column. Can a google spokes person give us an answer to the following question?

1- If most searches are coming from Pakistan, why any Pakistani city is NOT included in the top 10 cities listed under cities column.

2. If most searches are coming from Pakistan, why the Vietnamese is listed on top of languages?

No one in Pakistan know Vietnamese. English is at #9 which most Pakistanis use over the internet. Urdu is not even included in top 10 languages?



In other hand, also according to new reports published in Fox News, July 13, 2010 with the title “No. 1 Nation in Sexy Web Searches? Call it Pornistan


You are right to say about us…

Because you planted to blame on this that’s what I’ve to say… As I already published an article about Propaganda war against Pakistan you must read and know the reality show who planted…. From the very significant resources of Paksitan ISI and some international reports already disclosed the news that Afghanistan and Indian forces started proxy war against pakistan. Now I beleive that this is the one of the tricks of proxy war against Pakistan from Indian sources…. See all the results “sex-related” websites at Google Trends. You’ll understand what I’m trying to say….

You’re saying Pakistan on top 1 in “horse sex” searches since 2004, so tell me why we are not present in 2006 number 1 not even in top 10?

Why only Indian cities Top 3 most searches “sex” terms? Why not, Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Quetta, Multan etc.?  Not even any cities of Pakistan on top 10.

“Rape Video” search terms according to Fox News, Pakistan also is tops — or has been No. 1.

Year                                       Regions                                           Cities                                                 Language

2004                                       Malaysia                                        Los Angeles, USA                             English

2005                                       Pakistan                                         Chennai, India                                 Tagalog

2006                                       Pakistan                                         Chennai, India                                 Tagalog

2007                                       Pakistan                                         Delhi, India                                      Tagalog

2008                                       Pakistan                                         Mahape, India                                 Tagalog

2009                                       Pakistan                                         Delhi, India                                      Tagalog

2010                                       Pakistan                                         Delhi, India                                      Tagalog

2011                                       Indian                                             Delhi, India                                      Tagalog

According to Wikipedia, Karachi is the 2nd largest populated city in the world estimated population is 12,991,000, in the Cities Top most and number searches terms “rape video” is Chennai, India and Delhi, Chennai population is 4,616,639 and its position or rank in the world is 37, Delhi population is 12,565,901  and it’s rank in the world is 4th, and you can see above there is no Karachi or even any Pakistani cities name such as Lahore, it’s population is 6,318,745 and rank and position in the world is 27th……

Search Terms (horse-sex)

Country                                 City                                        Rank                                      Population

Pakistan                               Karachi                                 2                                              12,991,000

India                                     Delhi                                      4                                              12,565,901

Pakistan                               Lahore                                 27                                              6,318,745

India                                     Chennai                              37                                              4,616,639

Above data according to Wikipedia here:

So, is there anyone can believe that published search terms, on Fox News, or other media and manipulated to blame and using against Pakistan and Pakistani peoples after these facts? Why only Pakistan? I’ve also search many of others materials in Google Trends search terms. Please see all following images and see the exact year, country, city and languages… Only Country listed on Top 1 Pakistan but there is no Pakistani City in Top 1 or 2 not even Top 10…

The question is Why! And How?

Another Evidence of worldwide Internet users Top 1 Billion in 2005 (USA Reach Nearly 200M Internet Users)

Top 15 Countries in Internet Usage
Year-end 2005:
Internet Users (#M)
Share %
1. USA 197.8 18.3
2. China 119.5 11.1
3. Japan 86.3 8.0
4. India 50.6 4.7
5. Germany 46.3 4.3
6. UK 35.8 3.3
7. South Korea 33.9 3.1
8. Italy 28.8 2.7
9. France 28.8 2.7
10. Brazil 25.9 2.4
11. Russia 23.7 2.2
12. Canada 21.9 2.0
13. Indonesia 18.0 1.7
14. Mexico 16.9 1.6
15. Spain 15.8 1.5
Top 15 Countries 750.0 69.4
Worldwide Total 1,081


Source: C.I. Almanac



Internet Usage and Population Statistics of Pakistan:

YEAR Users Population % Pen. GDP p.c.* Usage Source
2000 133,900 163,985,373 0.1 % N/A ITU
2006 12,000,000 167,806,831 7.2 % US$ 821 ITU
2009 18,500,000 174,578,558 10.6 % US$ 1,017 ITU
2010 18,500,000 177,276,594 10.4 % US$ 1,068 ITU


Note: Per Capita GDP in US dollars, source: International Monetary Fund.

Internet Usage and Population Statistics of India:

YEAR Users Population % Pen. Usage Source
1998 1,400,000 1,094,870,677 0.1 % ITU
1999 2,800,000 1,094,870,677 0.3 % ITU
2000 5,500,000 1,094,870,677 0.5 % ITU
2001 7,000,000 1,094,870,677 0.7 % ITU
2002 16,500,000 1,094,870,677 1.6 % ITU
2003 22,500,000 1,094,870,677 2.1 % ITU
2004 39,200,000 1,094,870,677 3.6 % C.I. Almanac
2005 50,600,000 1,112,225,812 4.5 % C.I. Almanac
2006 40,000,000 1,112,225,812 3.6 % IAMAI
2007 42,000,000 1,129,667,528 3.7 % IWS
2009 81,000,000 1,156,897,766 7.0 % ITU
2010 100,000,000 1,173,108,018 8.5 % IWS



Dial Up Dial Up DSL DSL
Users (M) Growth Rate (%) Subscribers Growth Rate (%)
2000 0.50 150
2001 0.80 60
2002 1.00 25
2003 1.60 60
2004 2.00 25
2005 2.10 5 14600
2006 2.40 14 26611 82.3
2007 3.5 46 45153 69.7
2008 3.7 5.7 168,082 272.2
Dec-08 3.7 0.0 267,180 59.0
Mar-09 3.7 0.0 272,626 2.0




Google Trends Search Terms “Islam-Related” Website











Google Trends Search Terms “misc, country, people, trends, technology and etc” Website

















































































Google Trends Search Terms “Sex-Related” Website
















































Research Continue …..


Publish soon…

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