The reason to write this note, many Pakistani folks (mainly youngster and professionals) always trying to lay down Pakistan and Pakistani Spirit. But they unfortunately forgot that they are also living in this country. If you say so, than why not leave this country? Why you are trying to show your frustrations with writing and complaining against Pakistan. Have you ever been think once that, what you gave to Pakistan? I’m sure you were / are never ever try to give your strength and skills for participation to build a better Pakistan. And I’m sure your types of peoples never change.

One thing almost every one heard that,  “That kind of person always making a hole in the pot which they eat in it ” ( in Urdu: [ جس تھالی میں کھاتے ہیں اسی میں چھید کرتے ہیں ] ).

First of all you’ve to clear your mind, before blaming or complaining your frustration against country which may occurs from the other person. You’ve the right to speak up for those peoples and point out, but do not blame to this country.

A simple quote of some Pakistani peoples they are trying to show him/her a better Pakistani, you’ve to read his simple quote and you can understand how our youth turn their mouth and mind towards against Pakistani hood.

I don’t understand how people in Pakistan could act so blind and heartlessly. Police acts blind and the responsible personalities act if everything is fine. How could they be like this! Pakistan is really not a place for humans anymore, you have to be worst than animals to be here.

You can imagine where our Pakistani youth are going… How much they frustrated with the System. Everywhere, the whole system of Pakistan collapse, but the thing is still remains…

He also says:

”  Bunch of guys started to sit at door of someone’s house. Girls of that family work in office so the father of girls asked the guys to not to sit there for respect. You know the answer was? Gun pointed to the father and said things that shareef parents cannot imagine to hear. This is our youth.  “

Hmmm,  what all youngster doing this? Of Course not, they are just few. But we are always trying to see few things. I’m agree about the above saying, but not totally agree that this is our youth because these are the youth who unable to find their path where they use their ability; most of the youngsters in Pakistan, unable to focus their aim of life, why? Have any one try to think of it? No; these are the mistakes of our parents who unable to grow their children for good manners, they are not even try to find out what’s going on with our children.

The basic and beginning learn of life and character for a human is the mother’s ovum, where a life just started his growth. At that time Allah [ سبحان و تعلٰی ] says” protect your thoughts from the Satan ( شیتان  ) and don’t try to do any bad things, such as involving in the movies, songs, lies, evilness act ( discuss about a person who is not presence on this discussion) and etc. If a mother doing all these things, which will directly impose to the brain of child and his/her characteristics. 

Many of Pakistani women; doing this thing that’s why we’ve that kind of youth. If our Pakistani mother change their schedules and involve in all good things such as prayer, Recite the Holy Qur’an ( قرآن ) and avoiding to watch movies, dramas and songs. I’m sure the child becomes a good person for their family and society.

The second is our Teacher, but unfortunately these criteria, are also fail due to failure peoples choosing Teaching Profession because they are unable to find any other jobs or profession.

Why all this? What happens to society? If anyone have their opinion about the society, culture and youth problem, must have in the mind that create the point of answer, a solutions, a hope instead of blaming to country, youth or others. This is the right way to change the system and society flaws but before all the things, you’ve to change yourself. Find out your mistakes, if you have a way to change into Right than do. Try to focus your Aim (if you have), instead of blaming and complains to others, if it doesn’t then find your aim of life if doesn’t found than make it and do hard work, keep your mind with positive thinking. Because new research discover, if a person have Positive Thinks it creates positive rays, and also mind will receive positive rays back, if a person have negative thinking the process is the same.

I’ve done millions and trillions mistakes, which are mainly is my characteristics. Yes! it’s true, if I met a person it doesn’t matter he is the friend of friend but I always trust them, later if we doing something together e.g. Work, Projects or Business, I’m totally faith on them you can say totally blind faith and that’s my bad habitual (which is now over from the sake of All Mighty Allah) of blind faith encouraging them to do evil things. Also the aggression, whenever I found out any mistakes and lies, I completely exhausted the results is shouting but after effects are silence which is very dangerous, and it creates huge distance which is destroy the wellness and beauty of friendship life.

Now a day, I’m trying to do right thing and clear and resolve my mistakes, if I hurt a person, I personally meet him and apologize for those mistakes and making right.  One of my past year mistake, that I’ve been using my name on a project which is not mine, it created by one of my friend but I did use my name because the company contacted me and they needs to change something on it, I did it, and also change the designer name. At that time I felt that I’m right to change the designer name, because now the creation is require to some changes, as you can see many of invention, are now naming with labeling with current producers, that’s the reason I’ve done it… But after receiving same aggression and frustrated message from him I’ve to decide not to hurt anyone anymore again, so I’ve changed it.

So, if a person like me change the attitude for a broader aspects why not you or others, just change it. You’ll feel this country is a better place for living instead of Pakistan is really not a place for humans anymore, you have to be worst than animals to be here.

Everyone try stand to make a better place for living in Pakistan, just think of it how, explore yourself, before advice someone change yourself first, if you try to advice someone not lie with anyone, first try to remove your lies it doesn’t matter a small lies never hurt, but remain this things is a lie and lie is a root of all sin. So! you’ve to change yourself, don’t lie to yourself, just find out your ability and use it, don’t waste your time to think, or making some larger ambitious, Act now and do the right thing, I’m sure soon or later you’ll receive your positivity rays and that rays will change your current character. Before complaining or harsh with anyone, think thrice about the results, sure you’ll calm and think positively.

I like a commercial which are produce by the Telenor Mobile Company in Pakistan, they made it several commercial these days, this one is I like the most.


The above video is a series of Khamoshi Ka Boycott a complete and meaning full message give us by the Telenor, where we can now able to find where and what is wrong with our society… That’s why I started this blogs to show and give a message to our youth to change your character which is normally characterless life, you’ve to build your character and then Khamoshi Ka Boycott’s messages will be the best tool to change the society.


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