
According to the indications in the Hadiths and statements by Islamic scholars, the worst corruption caused by the Dajjal will be the spreading of atheism, leading to anarchy and conflict. The system of Dajjal will employ materialism and Darwinism to encourage people towards denial, irreligion and immorality. As noted in the hadiths, the materialist propaganda of the system of the Dajjal will mainly influence uneducated or ignorant people.

This aspect of the Dajjal is described as follows:

(The Dajjal) will particularly be able to deceive women and ignorant peasants…. (Sings of Qiamah, pg 216)


Looking at countries such as China, the Soviet Union, North Korea and some South American nations, in which communist revolutions took place in the recent past, we can see that the prediction in this hadith has indeed become a reality. Communist leaders have generally indoctrinated and misled people living in rural or mountainous areas, with low levels of education or none at all, leading to enormous corruption. Lenin instigated uprising among the Russian serfs and Mao among Chinese peasants, while Castro carried out his uprising in rural and forest areas by influencing the people and inhabiting them.

Communist guerrilla movements are still active in rural areas in North Korea and in some South American countries. It is noteworthy that the communist, separatist, terrorist organization in Turkey concentrates its efforts in mountainous areas, trying to deceive the uneducated inhabitants. However, the people in the urban region possess foresight and knowledge, which allow them to see increasingly that this separatist terror group is actually atheistic in structure and thus will avoid being used by these terrorists.


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