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Photoshop Tutorials: Apply Image

  Apply Image    There are a lot of ways to composite images. Using Photoshop’s Apply Image option is a quick and easy way of compositing.    Step – 1 Choose the two images you want to composite. One will be the destination image. This is where everything will be composited to.   Step – […]

Internet kissing machine invent by Japan

CNN Tech, This is  sort of creeped out by this:  A Japanese lab has created a device that may let you “French kiss” someone over the Internet. And by “kiss,” we mean waggle your tongue on a plastic straw, thereby making another plastic straw waggle remotely on someone else’s tongue. Hot, huh? Yakh? Well, the […]

Is he Muslim? Rehman Malik Wrong Tilawat What a nonsense! According to Pakistan Constitution “A person shall not be qualified for election as President unless he is a Muslim of not less than forty-five years of age and is qualified to be elected as member of the National Assembly.” President and Member of the National Assembly who elected as a […]

Hundreds of prisoners flee through Talib...

“This is a blow, it is something that should not have happened,’ government spokesman says” KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Hundreds of prisoners escaped from a jail in Afghanistan’s south on Monday through a tunnel dug by Taliban insurgents, officials said. The daring escape was described as a “disaster” for the Afghan government and a setback for […]

After hacks, Sony finds traces of Anonym...

Sony Computer Entertainment President Kazuo Hirai says in a a letter to Congress that Anonymous may be linked to the hacks

Hackers are setting up a third attack on Sony in retaliation for its handling of the PlayStation Network and Online Entertainment services data breaches, according to US reports.  A CNet reports, the attack on Sony’s website is planned for this weekend, citing an unnamed observer of the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel used by the […]

Golden Worsd Must to Remember

” Coins Always make sound, But The Currency Notes are always Silent…! So, when ever your value increases keep yourself Calm & Silent.” __________________________________________________________ ” When you focus on problems you will have more problems. When you focus on Possibilities, you will have more Opportunities.” __________________________________________________________ ” Silence will create respect and diginity Justice and […]

Int’l Chess Game: Osama a pawn – Obama t

As NBC News, Osama bin Laden, the Saudi extremist whose al-Qaida terrorist organization killed more than 3,000 people in attacks on the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001, was shot and killed Sunday in a U.S. military operation in Pakistan, and the U.S. has recovered his body, President Barack Obama announced Sunday night. “Justice has been […]

Bad Habbits? It’s easy to deal with

After writing a note for a friend aggression due to current Pakistani Systems, when I was writing some notes to him, I’ve an Idea to write about Bad Habits which are commonly in our youngster. So, here are the bad habits of our youngster but they unable to clue how deal with it. First of […]