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Pakistan flooding: Misery, disease, litt...

Southern areas under water; dengue fever hits Punjab; crops, livestock wiped out   PINGRIO, Pakistan — Pakistani soldiers in inflatable rescue boats peered across kilometers of flooded farmland and spotted a man wading through waist-deep water desperate to move his goat to high ground. For the past two weeks, Kaywall has spent 12 hours a day […]

Dengue Fever Epidemic in Pakistan

DENGUE: Causes and preventive measures A sumarized information relased by Dr. Aneel Dhar, Qamar-ul-Islam Hospital, DOTCRUSH publishing to promote awareness from Dengue Fever which are epidemic condition in Pakistan specially in Punjab (Lahore) and after continuesly heavy rain in Karachi and entire sindh region, we’ll be prepared to fight agains this dangerous chronic fever and […]

Photoshop: Mastering matte-style backgro...

Matte styles are big business in the design industry – from architecture to concept painting cinematic visions, these images bring to life imaginations on the grandest scale.   Transgressing the boundaries into web design, these styles are creating a greater environment for your work. There are no limits, allowing you to construct your own unique […]

Shaken Grid WordPress Theme by Shaken &

Shaken Grid is now smartphone optimized We’re happy to announce a bunch of new updates to the Shaken Grid theme. The biggest update is the brand new responsive design that displays beautifully on smartphones. In addition to being smartphone optimized, Shaken Grid 2.0 now comes with Google Web Font options and a fresh new look. […]

Top 10 Web apps we love — and why

Top 10 Web apps we love — and why A roundup of the top analytics, email campaign, Web optimization tools & more     We often get asked, what apps does your team use? To answer the question, we decided to put together this blog post laying out the Top 10 Web Apps We Love. The SEOmoz […]

You can now post images and photos direc...

You can now post images and photos directly to   Look what just popped up on my Twitter profile when I visited via the Web today — you can now share a photo directly through Twitter by uploading your photos to instead of through TwitPic, yfrog, Twitgoo or I wonder how this […]