Hackers are setting up a third attack on Sony in retaliation for its handling of the PlayStation Network and Online Entertainment services data breaches, according to US reports.

 A CNet reports, the attack on Sony’s website is planned for this weekend, citing an unnamed observer of the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel used by the hackers.

 According to the source, the hackers claim to have access to some of Sony’s servers and plan to publish information they are able to copy from those servers.

 Although Sony has stopped short of blaming the hacker group known as Anonymous for the latest breaches, it said in a letter to a Congressional hearing that it had found a file named “Anonymous” containing a fragment of the group’s slogan, “We are Legion”.

 Anonymous has a history of denial-of-service attacks against Sony websites in retaliation for Sony’s legal action against hacker George Hotz, but the group has denied responsibility.

 Anonymous has never been known to have engaged in credit card theft, the group said in a statement.

 According to the group, whoever broke into Sony’s servers to steal the credit card information and left a document blaming Anonymous clearly wanted Anonymous to be blamed.

In an attempt to tackle criticism for its handling of the breach, Sony has issued a letter to customers in which it blames forensic analysis for delays in notifying customers that their personal data may have been stolen.

The company has also promised to help protect customers from identity theft around the world and offer a “Welcome Back” package, including free subscriptions, once its networks are restored.

According to CNN report, “This cyberattack came shortly after Sony Computer Entertainment America was the subject of denial of service attacks launched against several Sony companies and threats made against both Sony and its executives,” Hirai wrote in the response to a congressional inquiry. “Whether those who participated in the denial of service attacks were conspirators or whether they were simply duped into providing cover for a very clever thief, we may never know.”

Sony says it is working with the Federal Bureau of Investigations and security experts to analyze the situation. They haven’t yet identified the people responsible for the breach, Hirai wrote.

What’s going on: But something is there, we’ve to consider our online transaction no matter how secured online services, if the main server will hack where to define the secure transaction. The fact is someone will have to communicate with the hackers provide them some jobs to decrease hacking trends, because they doing hack not for fun also they are doing for promotion their names and generating some money from them because they are frustrated with the jobless and society. Think very generously and resolve these hackers’ issues to make them useful for a company and country.


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