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Creative Advertisements With Animals

21 Extremely Vibrant And Creative Advertisements With Animals

21 Extremely Vibrant And Creative Advertisements With Animals I know that creative advertisement post are not unique in these days and you  guys saw them very often on various blog as well as you might have seen many  post related to creative advertisement at DOTCrush. But our today’s post is  different from that. In this, […]

Mind-blowing gallery for Inspiring Photo...

Mind-blowing gallery for Inspiring Photoshop Masterpieces

Today, a beautiful collection of inspiring Photoshop masterpieces have been posted here on DOTCrush to showcase really mind-blowing artwork of web designers by using Photoshop creatively. We have find out great collection of mind-blowing Photoshop artwork by digital artists and unfortunately, we cannot cover them all in a single post and so, we have showcased the […]

10 Amazing and Bizarre Print Ads from Pr...


Prior to the days of mass communication, consumers had to rely on bias, and somewhat fabricated, ‘information’ fed to them by advertisers and brands. Gone are the days when you could happily fill your kids body with coke or beer, unbeknownst to the consequences. Some of the psychological tricks and persuasions that marketers use today […]

A climate-based model to predict Dengue ...

  A climate-based model to predict Dengue fever outbreaks Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) are found to be the highest recorded vector-borne viral diseases in the world, affecting approximately 2.5 billion people every year. Often, these diseases prove to be fatal. Dengue Fever is prevalent in the tropical and subtropical regions of […]

Int’l Chess Game: Osama a pawn – Obama t

As NBC News, Osama bin Laden, the Saudi extremist whose al-Qaida terrorist organization killed more than 3,000 people in attacks on the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001, was shot and killed Sunday in a U.S. military operation in Pakistan, and the U.S. has recovered his body, President Barack Obama announced Sunday night. “Justice has been […]