Police Identify Suspect in Canada Bus Stabbing, Decapitation; Friends Identify Victim

The news published by Fox News on Friday 1st August 2008, they write

TORONTO  —  Police on Friday identified the man who witnesses say stabbed and beheaded a passenger aboard a Greyhound bus traveling across the Canadian Prairies.

Sgt. Brian Edmonds said that 40-year-old Vince Weiguang Li, of Edmonton, Alberta, has been charged with second degree murder. Li is due to appear in court Friday.

The Canadian Press reported that the victim’s friends identified him as Tim McLean, a 22-year-old carnival worker. Authorities have not released his name and Edmonds would not confirm his identity. An autopsy is scheduled for Friday. “

If you need to read full story find out here: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,395781,00.html

CBC Canada published this story in details:

The question is why I’m trying to promote the old story… The many qeustion and thinking raising on my mind, and it’s just a little efforts to provide the circumstances happends after this story to our readers.

The above Fox News mentioned news published on 1st August 2008 and they disclose the name of Victim and the murderer in the first para in second para they are saying about the idetifier of the victim’s friends name and they are saying about that Authorities have not released his name and Edmonds would not confirm his identity. But in the other side, the peoples who are not willing to ignore a chance to lay down Muslims.

In a forum a person who trying to imposed this act a Muslim acts…. How said, and I’m really disappointed with our Internet Surfers, our Muslim community who lives in Canada, USA, UK and all you can say in arround the globe but no one trying to gave him the answer. But I’m really happy to say that other Chiristians gave him the answer, a very right answer… But the article writer insist to blame the act by Muslim.

You can read the article forum from here and give him the write answer, but make sure and being a Muslim you’ve the right to give him the answer but chose decent words, not blaming any Jews, Chrisitans or Hindu acts. Many of our fellows on the net trying to putting their answer but answer it self killing the name of Muslims. They unable to focus or maintain their responsibility to protect the Muslims thoughts against others.. I like various replying comments the one is the most…

People cut off heads everywhere… and americans use the muslims as the new red menace…. there is someone always pushing the red menace card… the native americans… the commies… now the muslims, and most people who use the red menace flag are trying to instill some hostility against anytype of social/govt. reform, this is just the way the flag wavers work. the number of times I heard that Obama is a muslim today alone on SH is just revolting… trying to blame another flag for everything wrong in this country… is just more of the same hogwash that hides the flaws of the broken system…. who the fuck cares what religion he was…. if he turns out that at one point in his life he was christian… will you say, see those filthy christians are at again??? I doubt it.

another comment:

I have someone I would like to introduce you to……his name is Vince Weiguang Li. Now I am not normally one to make generalizations, but that is not the most Muslim name that I have ever heard. It took me exactly 15 minutes of research on the net to find out that he was 40 years old, and he was a delivery driver and worked at McDonald’s. They (eyewitnesses on the bus that were sitting in the seat in front of them) are claiming that he stabbed the guy in the neck a bunch of times, then after everyone else fled the bus, he went back and cut off the head and started eating pieces of the guy. If he were Muslim, he would have announced himself as such. 37 people made it off the bus, including the driver, and no one has mentioned that he announced himself as Muslim. Their SOP is to make sure that everyone knows that they are who they are and take full credit for what they are doing. Otherwise, they are called just another whacko and it defeats the purpose. Moreover, Muslims generally do not eat their victims.

I have seen you around the site and you normally have really intelligent things to say, Socrates, but I think you have really missed the mark on this one. Just because you hear hooves thumping in the distance does not mean that it absolutely must be a team of horses coming at you. It can just as easily be a herd of zebras. You are taking so much heat from the rest of us on this one, because we generally expect better quality from you. I read your posts and carefully weighed my words before I chose them. I know that you are a well educated man, but you have put a spin on this that would make VP Cheney proud. You may attempt to justify your comments anyway you would like. You can use the “If it walks like a duck” gambit that you are defending yourself with, but the only one you are going to convince with that one is yourself.

I am not criticizing you for your opinion, as you are as entitled to voice yours as we are to voice ours, but in future, keep the gloves up, Evander. No one, not even the most American of us out here, likes racism, and the comments you have made here are just that…..if it walks like a duck…….

You can find this article and all comments at : http://www.sodahead.com/living/is-he-muslim/question-126470/

Why always everyone raise the finger and point out the rudiest, bloodiest and terrafyer act towards Muslims? It’s not a myth or not an argument, but someone is trying to creating the agenda to make a world with hatters of Muslims and being a Muslim is a terrorist act.

Try to find out yourself, keep an eye on your doings, and do the rights things for this world to make it a better place for living with Cherish and Peace.

Khursheed Alam

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