Google Glass gets YouTube uploading functionality with Fullscreen BEAM

Oddly enough, Google didn’t include YouTube recording functionality into its Glass headset, and instead, video recorded is uploaded to your Google+ profile. Fret not, as a few developers with Fullscreen Beam have hacked together a solution for uploading videos recorded with Glass to YouTube.

Fullscreen Beam is the first application to upload video directly to YouTube from Glass. It doesn’t come in the way of a full application like you’ll find already present on Glass, but uses a bit of trickery to do just the task.

If you have Google Glass, you’ll first be required to register with Fullscreen Beam through your Google account, giving the service full API access to do the actual video uploading. Once you have a video recorded on your Glass headset, you can share it with a Fullscreen Beam contact like you would for a regular text message. The video is then uploaded to YouTube through your Google account, and you can even enable auto-sharing through Twitter.

There’s no way to setup a title, tags, or description, but right now Beam sits as the easiest way to get video over to YouTube.

It’s not clear if Google is working on a YouTube application for Glass, so we’ve reached out to the company in hopes of learning more. In the mean time, hopefully the developers of Fullscreen Beam take advantage of Glass being rooted and make a full-fledged application for the platform.

Khursheed Alam
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