15 Digital Photo Manipulation From Flickr To Get Inspiration!

Most of us often try to make a blend of multiple images which is normally  called as Photo Manipulation in the design industry. But lack of creative  concept, little color blending techniques, incomplete know how to composite  multiple images does not let us create something which we never forget.

Good photo manipulation has some story in it. Today, we are listing few  beautiful photo manipulation collection from Flickr. Please share your thoughts  with all of us. If you know more photos, we welcome you to share it with us via  comment.

Click on the images to go from where the images has been taken.

cracked girl face

toucing the skyGirl under water

slave angel

Girl in a farm


Girl under water Survivor


Moon Angel


misterious heaven

Night of quijote


just you and me

vanishing act


Khursheed Alam
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