“This is a blow, it is something that should not have happened,’ government spokesman says”

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Hundreds of prisoners escaped from a jail in Afghanistan’s south on Monday through a tunnel dug by Taliban insurgents, officials said.

The daring escape was described as a “disaster” for the Afghan government and a setback for foreign forces planning to start a gradual withdrawal within months.

The militants tunneled at least 480 inmates out of the main prison in Kandahar overnight, whisking them through a 1,000-foot-long underground passage they had dug over months, officials and insurgents told The Associated Press.

Officials at Sarposa prison in Kandahar, the birthplace of the Taliban, say they only discovered the breach at about 4 a.m., a half hour after the Taliban said they had gotten all the prisoners out.

The militants began digging the tunnel about five months ago from a house within shooting distance of the prison guard towers. It was not immediately clear whether they lived in the house while they dug. They meticulously plotted the tunnel’s course around police checkpoints and major roads, the insurgent group said in a statement.

The diggers finally broke through to the prison cells around 11 p.m. Sunday night, and a handful of inmates who knew of the plan unlocked cells and ushered hundreds of inmates to freedom without a shot being fired.

News source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/42743595/ns/world_news-south_and_central_asia/ 


In Afghanistan, the US Military and it’s Align forces is there and they said they have created Afghanistan no land for Al-Qaida and their militants and also they search and protect Afghanistan, but how come the 500 Prissiness escape from their custody and they digging the tunnel about five months and they even know about that tunnel. Is this lack of security or their blunder mistakes? Osama in Abbottabad but there is no one knows when he arrived there a day before of the attacks or five years ago; there is still a mystery like the personality of Osama Bin Ladin is also a mystery for the whole world.

But; all the mud throwing to our Pakistan Army and ISI; how come? The military forces of NATO are in the Afghanistan, and Osama was there but he was found in Pakistan who is responsible, Pak Army or NATO Forces? There is no one… But first we need to know how Choppers came inside the Pakistan traveling time was 20 minutes, they busy 40 minutes of operations, and they back to their place another 20 minutes, total time was 80 minutes. Is there anyone have a clue where choppers re-fuel it? And also Pakistan Air Force unable to intercept the choppers, impossible…

This operation; I believe with the help of Pakistani Officials, that was the great game as many of Pakistani Analyst daily saying that, the operation or mission wasn’t the real as we heard from the US officials. One more and important things everyone forget to recognized the first message of Obama, CIA, White House Spokesperson and other officials of US Government, they told a story, and 2nd day they have changed their story, as well as 3rd and 4th day also very changed story or reports published in the media..

Why? How is it possible? First day Obama and other officials watch all operations second by second, inch by inch and 4th day they tell us before chopper down they didn’t know what is happening there, after successful mission they received a call from the destination we are back and mission is successful, why? And how?

Just wait, the world will see other bogus and lies from the US Officials as previously they did. But at this place I must say to our Officials, show your national spirit, remember your OTH when you got your responsibilities, make it true, and make this country a better place for living of only Pakistanis. Take some serious action, secure the Chaman Border that is the most priority of your action, and shoot to kill every person on the spot who willing to sabotage our national security.

At this stage ISI must create a National Security Agency of Pakistan to protect the Pakistan and Pakistani peoples without any doubts. We all Pakistani believes, no matter what outside the world saying about our ISI and Pakistan Army; these two department capable and with the hand of strong leadership who really aware of Pakistan National Interest, and we’ll Salute them, we encourage them and we are all with you. But do something better than the past.

I can say with the poetry of Allama Muhammad Iqbal.

  سبق پھر صداقت کا  عدالت کا  شجاعت کا
لیا جائے گا تجھ سے کام دنیا کی امامت کا


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